Top 5 drinks in Thailand

Drinks are vital when you are in this tropical country. The main reason behind this is since Thailand is a tropical country, you will keep sweating a lot most of the times. To replace the water inside you body you need to in crease your liquid intake. Here are some famous drinks and beers in Thailand which are available at almost every other places.

1. Beers:

Beer is available at most of the places. Restaurants, shops, bars etc. When you will feel thirsty, you will surely want to grab a bottle of beer. There are three very famous beer brands in Thailand. Singha, Chang and Leo beer. All of the beers taste good. You can also find them at 7-11 shops, the most common shop in Thailand.

Thai beers

2. Coconut water:

Most of the times, coconut water is served chilled. However the style of chopping off the coconut is different than in India. Here in Thailand, they almost peel off the upper skin of the coconut before serving. But they chopped coconut looks much better.

coconut thailand

3. Coconut shake:

Don’t get confused in between coconut water and coconut shake. coconut is definetely something different than coconut water. I do not know the ingredients of the shake coconut shake tastes far better than coconut water.

coconut shake thailand

4. Pina colada:

Even though Pina colada is a carribean drink, Thais are perfect at making it. It is a mocktail with coconut cream, rum and pineapple juice. I once tried it on Lamai beach and I liked the drink.

PIna colada thailand

5. Thai iced tea/ coffee:

You can also start your day with Thai cold coffee or tea. Thai people are expert in preparing these drinks. Apart from the regular iced tea or coffee, they also have different variants of the drinks like mixed with sugar, coconut cream, coconut milk etc. It would be real fun to chose one of the drinks when you are shown different variants of the same drink in different style.

thai iced tea

6. Thai Mekhong:

Thai Mekhong is a local brewed whiskey. You will find Thai people drinking this whiskey altogether on the local shops or on the street shops. I have seen a whole family drinking this whiskey along with others. But Thai Mekhong is really warm and hot. I will advise you not to drink much in this tropical country. I really felt sweating a lot after taking this whiskey

thailand mekhong whiskey

When we landed in Krabi and decided to take a walk around the market. We went somewhere nearer to the Maharaja street. I was astonished to see the food market. Food market is a place where tens of sellers sell fresh thai food on their small stalls. It looks more like a Sabji Mandi of India or old town square of Europe but with a lot of varieties of food.

Local street food market, Thailand (9)
Local street food market, Thailand (8)

Another thing about this food market is that they are really inexpensive and also portion is enough. For example, a chicken steak costed around 10 Baht. Or a red snapper fish deep fried costed us 50 Baht. If you look for the same stuff in a good restaurants, I am sure these will cost around three to four times.

Local street food market, Thailand (7)
Local street food market, Thailand (5)

Besides the cost, another thing I liked is the variety of food with local touch. You can also say they are local dishes which you harldy get even in the famous restaurants. For example, some sweets made up of coconut, varieties of fried chicken stuff. But you also need to be careful with the food poisoning. Because on first two days of my Thailand visit, I had very acute stomach ache. However, I think now I am adjusted to the Thai food.

Local street food market, Thailand (4)
Local street food market, Thailand (3)

What street foods you can try to eat in Thailand?

  • Soup- There are many varieties of soup coming in different flavours like chicken, beef, pork, veg etc.
  • Pancake- Enjoy any kind of pancake with honey and coconut
  • Coconut curry- Enjoy varieties of coconut curry with rice
  • Sweets-  sweets are mainly made up of coconut and palm
  • Fried noodles with chicken, veg or meat
Local street food market, Thailand (2)
Local street food market, Thailand (6)

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